Dauphin County Prison Board holds brief monthly meeting and extends free video visitation and suspension of inmate transfers during COVID-19 pandemic

The Dauphin County Prison Board of Inspectors held a brief teleconference meeting on April 29 to approve several items, including personnel transactions and expenditures. The minutes of the emergency meeting are available on Dauphin County’s website and DauphinCounty.org under the Prison tab.

Questions and comments regarding the meeting minutes or other prison-related matters may emailwebmaster@dauphinc.org

Dauphin County Prison is extending free video visitation for inmates and their loved ones during the pandemic. With the county’s video visitation vender GTL, the facility provides 15 minutes of free video visitation per week. The 15 minutes renews every Sunday at midnight. The 15 minutes can be used at the inmate’s discretion (e.g., one 15-minute video visit, or three visits of 5 minutes.)

To access the program, go to Video Visit ON THE GO by GTL: https://us10.campaign-archive.com/?e=%5bUNIQID%5d&u=2a52194c0bcad1bf982734f74&id=1158f0c78d

To further protect corrections staff and inmates, the suspension of inmate transfers to and from the prison has also been extended until further notice. The transfer suspension began on April 11 in response to the pandemic. 

Currently, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 at the county prison.