Judge McNally's Practices and Preferences

In addition to the requirements of PA.R.C.P. 212.2, a pre-trial statement shall comply with DAUPHIN COUNTY LOCAL RULE 212.2 and set forth:

  1. the estimated length of trial;
  2. any scheduling problems;
  3. any special evidentiary issues;
  4. a realistic settlement offer or demand;
  5. a certification that counsel discussed mediation in good faith with his or her client(s) and with opposing counsel and with all unrepresented parties, if any, in accordance with Dauphin County Local Rule 1001
In addition to the requirements of L.R. 212.2, pretrial memoranda shall:

  1. attach copies of all expert reports;
  2. indicate stipulations agreed and stipulations desired;
  3. anticipated evidentiary issues a trial
A courtesy copy of the pretrial statement shall be served on Judge McNally's chambers