IDU and Other Drug Protocol Form

Human Services Block Grant Data Tracking
IDU and other Drug Protocol Data Required
Provider Name
Select Month
Select Year
Total Number of Contacts
Total Number of those who came in for testing
Percentage of contacts that came in for testing
Submitter Name
Submitter Email
Submitter Telephone
IDU and other drug protocol data additional notes
1. # of individuals who came in for testing / total # of contacts (cards provided)
Recall that if an individual with a card comes in for testing and brings three others with them, they should all be counted (3, not 1).
2. Please provide historical data, meaning that we would like you to go back a few years (4-5 if possible) to provide these values so that we
can establish a baseline.  Research on this is lacking and it is difficult to find reasonable base rates.
3. Percentage (%) of clients that came in for testing, divide number in #2 (total number who came for testing) by #1
(Total number of contacts).