Judge Dowling's Practices and Preferences

Practices and Preferences 

Local Rules

Read and follow.

Distribution List / Certificate of Service

  1. List / reference lead attorney for each party.
  2. Include e-mail for each attorney or pro se


  1. Attach Order on relief sought.
  2. If applicable, also attach Rule to Show Cause.
  3. If Motion references a prior Order and / or seeks modification of a prior Order, ATTACH THE PRIOR ORDER.
  4. State concurrence / non-concurrence.

Case Management Order (CMO)

Following Application for a Status Conference, the Court will issue an Order for a Status Conference similar to Exhibit 1.  At Status Conference, the Court will issue a CMO similar to Exhibit 2


The Court is available to conduct Settlement Conferences. 

Pre-Trial Conference

  1. Usually one week prior to trial.
  2. Bring to conference Points for Charge and proposed Verdict Form.
  3. Will review / discuss stipulations.
  4. Will review / discuss agreement on exhibits.
  5. At conference, parties will argue Motions In Limine and Court will decide shortly thereafter.
  6. Jury selection may occur the same day as the Pre-Trial Conference.

Jury Trials

  1. Current practice is to conduct jury selection a week or so before the trial week. If possible, jury selection will occur the same day as the Pre-Trial Conference. 
  2. Schedule a time with the judge’s Judicial Assistant to have your technology company view the courtroom at some time during the week prior to trial.